Step 1 of 5

Welcome to the third and last round of our Delphi study on primary dysmenorrhea. We thank you for your participation. In the first and second round, consensus has been reached on the following topics:
The term ‘primary’ in primary dysmenorrhea is defined as ‘absence of known pathology’. We have defined dysmenorrhea as pain that can be present a (few) day(s) before AND during menstrual blood loss.
Pelvic examination
It is not necessary to perform a pelvic examination to diagnose primary dysmenorrhea.
Duration of dysmenorrhea
There is no minimal duration of dysmenorrhea as criteria to diagnose primary dysmenorrhea.
Additional symptoms
Additional symptoms do not have to be present to diagnose primary dysmenorrhea.
Severity of dysmenorrhea
Assessing the severity of dysmenorrhea using a VMSS of grade 2 or higher is a part of the diagnostic criteria of primary dysmenorrhea

Consensus has not been reached yet on the following questions and we would like to invite you to complete the following questions.